Eugenia-alana Mitsanas
"The Olive Grove Project""The Olive Grove Project""The Olive Grove Project""The Olive Grove Project""The Olive Grove Project""The Olive Grove Project""The Olive Grove Project""The Olive Grove Project"
"The Olive Grove Project"
is an interactive indoor sanctuary created in 2004 as an anti-war protest, and for Workspace Ltd's gala opening and Open Studios in San Francisco.

The artists and friends play goddesses of the grove.

People of all ages welcome the invitation to write messages of peace and love on the garden walls. Some write their names, draw pictures, or write sweet notes to one another.

The grove also becomes a favorite hangout for the studio dog, and for a mystic who sets up house offering tarot card readings for the entirety of the Open Studios weekend.

*in collaboration with artist Caroline Stechschulte